Rainy Days - Part 4
“In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month—on that day all the springs of the great deep burst...

Rainy Days - Part 3
“Yet He did not leave Himself without witness, for He did good by giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying your...

Momma's Meal
What is your favorite “Momma’s Meal”? That meal only your mother can cook. The one you request whenever the opportunity presents itself....

The Blessing of Now
It was an untimely and unlikely baby shower. Untimely, because neither of them should be pregnant. Unlikely, because neither of them...

5 Bible Verses My Mother Taught Me
I believe parents play an integral role in the spiritual development of their children. I believe this in part because of my personal...

The #1 Book that Helped Me Start Blogging
For a long time, I thought the word blogging sounded funny. I had no intentions of starting a blog or becoming a blogger. Then, I read a...

Book Review: Developing the Leader Within You
John Maxwell’s Developing the Leader within You is a foundational resource for emerging leaders. As a new, young pastor, I found...

#1 Way to Straighten People Out
Pastors serve people. People, by nature, are complex and full of intricacies. As an emerging leader and maturing pastor, I am learning to...

Dream Big
When is the last time you dreamed big? I'm reading a book called "How Google Works" by Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenburg. The forward...